佐敦集團目前在中國擁有三家子公司: 一家外商獨資企業及二家合資企業。
中遠佐敦船舶涂料公司(以下簡稱JCMC)的前身為原廣州佐敦遠洋制漆有限公司,成立于1993年?,F在中遠佐敦船舶涂料公司在中國大陸有兩家合資公司,由佐敦集團和中遠國際控股有限公司各出資50%。 一家是中遠佐敦船舶涂料(廣州)有限公司 (JCMCGZ), 成立于2003年7月,工廠在廣州。2009年10月在青島成立了第二家合資公司,中遠佐敦船舶涂料(青島)有限公司(JCMCQD),新工廠在青島,正在籌建階段,設計年生產力5000萬升,計劃于2012年初建成投產,主要在中國大陸生產、配送及銷售船舶涂料,及提供相應的技術支持。
卓越的品牌,優質的產品,高效的團隊— 佐敦:與您攜手今天,共贏未來!
JOTUN is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of paints, coatings and powder coatings. The group has 74 companies and 40 production facilities in 37 countries on all continents. In addition, Jotun has agents, branch offices and distributors in more than 80 countries. The Jotun Group has its head office in Sandefjord, Norway and has today 7,400 employees spread on four divisions.
Jotun, as one of the leading brand of global coatings vendors, has three legal entities in China - a WOFE and two Joint Ventures.
Jotun Coatings (Zhangjiagang) Co. Ltd. (JCZC) is one of Jotun A/S 100% subsidiary in China .It was established in 2004 April, and has a 70,000 square meters factory in Zhangjiagang with annual production capability of more than 50 million liters. It is one of biggest and the most advanced coatings manufacturers in China. JCZC is dedicated in protective, decorative and powder coatings business.
Jotun COSCO Marine Coatings Co. (JCMC) originated from Jotun Ocean Paints Co. which was found in 1993. Currently there are two operating legal entities as Joint Ventures in JCMC invested by Jotun A/S and COSCO International Holdings Limited on 50/50 basis. One is Jotun COSCO Marine Coatings (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd. (JCMCGZ), formed in July 2003, with the factory in Guangzhou. The other is Jotun COSCO Marine Coatings (Qingdao) Co. Ltd. (JCMCQD), established in September 2009, with manufacturing site in Qingdao which is now in the midst of construction stage, and will be set up for production in early 2012. JCMC is dedicated to marine coating business with annual production capacity plan of 50 million liters, not only covering manufacturing and sales, but also providing professional on-site technical service to the customers.
Well-known brand, quality product, and high efficiency team - Jotun: Let's join hand in hand today and achieve success together!
Location:Floor 20&21, Jiu Shi Mansions, No.28, Zhong Shan Road (South), Shanghai
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