奧地利老虎涂料有限公司是一家成立于1934年, 總部位于奧地利威爾斯的跨國公司。 在全球設有九家擁有世界一流科研和生產設備的粉末涂料生產工廠,并獲得ISO9001國際質量認證。數十個分公司和代表處分布在世界各地。
老虎涂料多年來堅持以科技為先導,始終站在粉末涂料生產技術的世界前列。公司素以開發和生產各種高戶外耐候型建筑鋁材裝飾用粉末, 各種“黏結”型金屬閃光粉末, 自行車用粉末, 鑄件用“透氣”粉末, 高耐腐蝕性粉末, 等各種高檔專用粉末涂料著稱于世。 TIGER Drylac?和the Power Powder? 是粉末涂料的世界著名標識。在開發能夠美化人們生活的產品同時,公司一直致力于人類環境的保護。今天, 老虎涂料的所有產品配方中, 均已不再采用含TGIC, 鉛, 鎘, 等有害物質的原料,所生產的粉末涂料為"綠色"產品。
TIGER Drylac Taicang Co. Ltd.
Started from 1934 and headquarter in Wels, Austria, TIGERWERK has 7 plants worldwide with first class R&D and production equipment, and more than 30 branch company in the world. Its subsidiary company in China was set up in Taicang city of Jiangsu province, which is close to Shanghai. The plant in Taicang, which is built according to highest European standard, was finished at the end of 2001.
As a science directed company, TIGER is one of the top powder manufacturers in the world. Besides, TIGER is the leader in Architectural used super-durable and metallic powder. Now, we are promoting another revolutionary product—powder coating for MDF. While providing high quality, our products are also environmental friendly. None of TIGER Drylac powder is with toxic raw material, like lead and cadmium.