福斯早在1988年就進入中國市場,是最早在中國投資建廠的國際潤滑油公司之一。經過20多年的發展,福斯中國已發展成為了一個擁有研發、生產、銷售、技術服務全面體系的規模企業,成為中國特種潤滑油領域的佼佼者。目前福斯在中國有2個生產廠,18個 銷售辦事處,覆蓋了中國的所有主要經濟區域。福斯中國的客戶遍及汽車制造、鋼鐵冶煉、采礦、電力、交通運輸、建筑工程、制藥、食品加工等廣泛領域,并擁有 了眾多著名企業為代表的強大客戶群。從地下礦井到汽車、設備、航空航天等復雜的機械制造,福斯都有產品能滿足客戶特定的需求。福斯通過不斷地研發新產品來 滿足不斷發展的現代工業的新要求,福斯的客戶也因此提高了生產效率、降低了生產成本和改進了工人工作安全和環境。
Founded in Germany in 1931, the FUCHS Group has grown to become the largest independent manufacturer of specialty lubricants in the world. Recognized internationally for its innovative lubricants and industry related specialty products, FUCHS has a global reach with manufacturing facilities in 50 countries.
FUCHS Lubricants (China) LTD. provides high quality lubricants to a wide range of industries in China since 1988. FUCHS’ superior customer service is supported by two manufacturing facilities, 18 sales offices and 10 warehouses covering all major economic regions in China. From underground mines to makers of complex metal components including automotive, appliance and aerospace manufacturers, FUCHS has products that meet the specialized needs of our customers. By constantly developing new products to meet the ever changing demands of modern industries, FUCHS’ customers have improved their productivity, reduced operating cost, and improved worker safety and environment.